Sunday, September 16, 2012

first day in stavanger

[normal temperature: 11.6C]
written 2013.2.18

Finally arrived at Stavanger around noon today! Yes, after almost nineteen (I know) hours of traveling.

The queue at the Immigration at Amsterdam was so long and luckily, we have three hours in between flights. That being said, we didn't have much time to go around Schipol but had to head straight to the departure area. The flight to Stavanger was only less than two hours so it was a quick ride compared to the last one.

And yet, we encountered a minor problem when we arrived -- it's Sunday and the banks are closed! We didn't have Kroners with us so we were hoping we'd be able to change our dollars. The ATM machines had a problem recognizing our cards. So what to do? Luckily, the taxis accept credit cards!

When we left the Arrivals area, we were greeted by very strong cold, wind. Wow, welcome to Norway! :)

The taxi ride took about 20 minutes and it cost us around NOK450 or equivalent to almost Php3000. Talk about being expensive, right? LOL. The driver was from Turkey, by the way, and he had confirmed that everything is expensive in Stavanger... except maybe for electronics. We will see about that :)

At the hotel, we noticed some people hanging around at the lobby and I think, they would be participants of the training, too. I'm quite terrified about what's going to happen in the next few months but I hope I can catch up, learn and make friends. Please guide me, Lord. Amen.

Oh! Finally, I'm happy to have arrived and lie down on a bed of my own.

This will be my new home in the coming two months (and thank you, there's WiFi!) --


Before leaving the airport though, I had to ask the airline to make me a damage report. My biggest luggage had its back ripped halfway and the zipper's ruined.

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