Tuesday, March 27, 2012

honi on men 2

hahaha... finally found this... so what do you think? ;-)

Sunday, March 18, 2012

taking a break

posted 21/3/12

I met with a long time college friend a couple of days ago in the university park grounds while she and her daughter were having a picnic. They laid down a mat and brought some games and foods, just like what I did a couple of years back during my birthday. While I was there, I thought to myself that this was something I've missed out on since that long time ago picnic. It's a nice thing to do, taking a break to just enjoy the sun once every week. I could be outside and just be able to enjoy the trees, the grass, the sun and the breeze. And so, I made a conscious decision that as much as possible, I would do this, even if I'm alone. One day a week outside should do the trick in keeping away the stress of the week, don't you think?

So this Sunday, I invited my thesis buddy N+Z to come and join me on my day-off at the park grounds after our respective churches' service. I'm glad she was excited and was willing to just let down and enjoy the day there. She brought along her camera and this was how the day had been -- until it rained...

 At the University Lagoon. Photo credit: Zoantharia

Friday, March 16, 2012

thesis writing

My personal leave from the office is ending soon. Took a break from work to focus on writing my thesis and hopefully, would be able to graduate by the end of the first semester of the next academic year. It's been a struggle as I cannot seem to focus on my work schedule and instead work on and off and that ends up with me sometimes working in the wee hours of the morning. It drives havoc to my sleep (as I am prone to sleeping problems) and I just hope that by the time I go back to work, my sleeping pattern will have returned to normal. It seems weird but at my age, which they say can function with less than five hours of sleep, I still need to have eight hours of sleep and if permitted, an hour or two nap in the afternoon. My eyes are usually blurry when I get less than adequate sleep.

I just woke up an hour ago after falling asleep on the sofa around 2 o'clock in the morning.

On a brighter note, I have now written a part of my fourth method's methodology, result and discussion. As I still have a need to study this method, I am now required to do some reading of its application with respect to my work. I am just weirded out as to why I had agreed to do this in the first place when two methodology would have sufficed. I guess that is a flaw young graduate students are guilty of -- thinking that they can do everything. Now I am stuck with this so I just hope that what is written would suffice to support my main method.

My draft will again be submitted next Monday, after I edit for missing commas or periods, spaces between words and most importantly, figures numbers and its text references. This might seem simple but it does take a lot of time doing the referencing especially since the software I'm using does not do automatic corrections once figure and caption changes are done in the middle of the text. If only I were still using LaTex!

Please pray for me that I may finish my writing my thesis and defend it this year.

P.S. I have temporarily deactivated my Facebook account.