Sunday, January 31, 2010

divisoria treasures

treasures, treasures at divisoria! i'm glad i found what i'm looking for and i've got some extra so take your pick! mine's the red bag and silver hook with white crystals, though :)

Monday, January 25, 2010

a man and his car

as i was about to start my one-round run at the oval tonight, i happened to see this white car being driven at the bikers/joggers lane. i just couldn't believe that the car passed only a few feet away from me. the only excuse in my mind was that the driver was probably drunk (come to think of it, he was already drunk by 7p?). i followed the progress of the car and then noticed that the driver seemed to be deliberately running in the biker's lane and intentionally hitting the guard rails. i couldn't believe it that i heard myself say "that must be one crazy guy!" and then this guy behind me who was also looking at the car, answered back that "that is the second time he ran pass this lane!" crazy!

when the car was out of my sight, i never thought of it anymore. after all, i thought that the runners and bikers were, for sure, alert and won't be crushed by that slow going but haphazardly driven car. yet not even halfway through the oval, i saw this same car, now on the right lane along the engineering building, being "escorted" by the oval tanods. i heard the tanod shout and then this car just drove away so fast. i was astounded! and then here comes a biker hot on his heels, yelling "p.ina mo! hoy!" as he tried to catch up with the car. later, i saw this other tanod on his radio, telling whoever he was talking to that he was on his way. i caught up with him near the music building but there was no white car and no tanods, except for that other one. now i'm wondering, what had happened to that driver? i'm guessing he had hit another bike on his way out of the campus, when in the university avenue, there's this group of tanods and bikers looking at a fallen bike. the driver must have gotten away with his crazy act but i hope, he would be sober soon and realize that what he was doing had endangered all of us who were just there, minding our business, and making our runs.

poster of fame

wasn't sure that it was me until we saw the curly hair....

Saturday, January 16, 2010

big run

up sunken garden surrounded on the western side by the academic oval

there's one reason to be smiling big today. i ran 3/5 of the academic oval without pausing for breath and without any ache in my ankles! when i started jogging last december, i thought i'd never make it this far. that first time, i only made it a quarter of the oval and that was with a lot of wheezing and forcing myself to reach the next bike post. now, i ran effortlessly 3/5 of the way! yes, i'm getting there. at mid-year, i'm hoping i can make 2-3 rounds in the oval without stopping! :) want to join me?

the UP academic oval is said to be 2.2 km in distance. wow, so that means i ran about a kilometer and a half! :)

Sunday, January 10, 2010

becoming a better person

i've only been back in manila for less than a week but so much have happened already! as a testament to that, my travel bag is still untouched and won't be touched until next week, probably. even if this is the case, i am still grateful for everything that occupied my time.

now, it is time to reflect on what has happened the last few days (well, especially today). I AM STARTING TO BECOME A BETTER PERSON. i just hope that this is not a classic case of the Filipino's Ningas Kugon complex. i truly want to stay away from unproductive habits and to start it off, this week I:

-- woke up on time and left for work early; catch the first office shuttle
-- let my friends know that they are important to me by being there for them
-- started working on my backlog work (intentional backlog, that is)
-- lessen my time online (no more stalking much!)
-- boxed up all my trash books (only "good" literature left behind)

next weekend's goal:

-- review my Thesis notes
-- jog

I am on my way to being a better person! :) You, distracters, stay away from me! :)

Sunday, January 3, 2010

happy three kings!

significance of the three gifts by the three wise men...

gold - Christ is King
incense - Christ is Human
myrrh - Christ is God

Friday, January 1, 2010

resolutions -- not!

the beginning of the year usually puts everyone into thinking about their new year's resolution. this year, i won't have any. what i will have are "THINGS TO DO." some of these are carried from my last year's things to do:

1. Make a BIG DENT on my thesis.
2. Learn to SAIL.
3. Learn to DANCE.
4. Learn to CALM down.
5. Apply for a Scholarship. (didn't get the one I want. at least i did apply!)
6. Be present for work always. No excuses!
7. Jog every Saturday morning (now that I don't have any Saturday classes).
8. SAVE, Save, save, SAVE!
9. Stay away from depressing, insensitive, negative people, even if it hurts too much!
10. Always tell people that I love them, no matter what!
11. Cross out #23 (is it really 23?) in the BDJ planner.

hello, 2010!

thank you, 2009, for all the trips, laughter, weddings, family and friends (and the bittersweet memories). i'm hoping for a better 2010 ahead, though. i hopw i will, and can make, the right decisions this year. wish me luck!

happy new year! :) i love you all, guys! muah!

ps. as part of history, 2010 started with a blue moon. does that signify a good year? a symbol that extraordinary, or special, things will happen for this year? i truly hope so!