Monday, December 31, 2012

bowling night

Tonight, we had our first family bowling tournament and the girls won! Woohoo. Alright, the guys didn't know that my sister would actually count the scores from all games and make it look like it's a girls vs boys event. We were just ahead by a point or two and my dad said that if he had just known, he would have shown his A-game!

I'm glad we set this thing as we do not always have the time to spend with each other - as in all of us together playing. As far as I can remember, the last time we actually did it was when we were still young, playing scrabble with newspaper sheets all over the floor as we were also eating pomelo at the same time.

How I love these kind of moments with my family. Until next year! :)

My brother and sister-in-law in a close game. Yes, this duckpin bowling place had been here since we were kids and is a good place to hang around and play. It's never been upgraded to automatic system so there are still bowling boys behind the pins to fix it for us. So we always had to be careful, making sure that the bowling boy is off the back lane before letting go of our ball. Hehehe.

written 2013.02.19, 0745hrs

Friday, December 28, 2012

Picked up my gift today, although I don't know what to do with it yet, and then met up with one of my closest friends since grade school. Talked about our past year events, future plans. Catching up from noon to evening. Girls can do talk, don't you think? LOL. Especially when you have so many things to share about.

Life is good. Thank you, Lord!

written 2013.02.19 0911hrs

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Happy Birthday, Jesus!

Started the day early with a mass at the Cathedral today with Papa and Mama.

Our early Christmas breakfast, which I requested: arroz caldo, pandesal (which was not really pandesal, only my dad though so), and Edam cheese. Yummy!

Then out of nowhere, this one kid opened the gate and rushed past us to his gifts. My crazy nephew was wide awake so early in the morning that it was still dark outside. My brother said that he kept on waking them up that they couldn't make excuses anymore so without taking a bath or anything, and in their pajamas, they headed to the house for their gifts. The little one though was more calm as he slowly walked towards his gifts. LOL.

Now I'm trying to remember if I was that excited too, when I was a little girl during Christmas morning. I think so. I still remember our socks hanged on the banister inside the house, filled with candies :)


Monday, December 24, 2012

Christmas Eve

It's Christmas Eve and waiting for Jesus' Birthday!

We had early dinner with Kuya and his family. The two kids are a riot! :D

Sunday, December 9, 2012


I had so wanted to see a Christmas Market when I was in Europe last month but unfortunately, the dates when these markets would open did not match the dates I was there. Fortunately, SM MOA created an event like this so Mons and I decided to go. It was held in its ice skating rink (probably to give a semblance of cold, therefore winter), which was matted up so people can walk around and only a part of the rink was dedicated to ice skating.

It was not really what I was expecting because it was too organized for me with rows and rows of stall. It was advertised that there would be lots of European products (hoping to buy lots of Gouda and German beer) but it was not so. There were shops for bakeshops that is common in the country, a telecommunication company, travel agencies and shops offering "European" products but were mostly from Australia and New Zealand. It was pretty disappointing but tasting a Gluwein, made by Germans themselves, made up for it -- a bit. And the German beer barrel that I bought for my dad and the German sausages and the mini-plaza/square where there was singing and story-telling (but there was one storyteller that lacks entertainment factor that most kids left and played around instead). Yet there was no Gouda in sight and I didn't notice any hot chocolate stall. There was a windmill though.

The setup though looks good in picture:

written 2013.02.19, 0826hrs