Saturday, February 27, 2016

What We Saw in Daejeon One Weekend

written on 19/09/2018 to remember things by

The weekend gave us a good weather to explore our host city. Taking the public transportation made me nervous though, because I could not understand any Korean. I had to rely on the number of stops made by the bus, my classmates' judgment, and a friend of our Indonesian classmates. I am not sure how long the bus ride was but for me, it felt like it was taking so long! It's probably because I was just too nervous about missing our stop! Lol.

The downtown Daejeon looks like any other Asian cities I've been but it seems much cleaner and the air cooler. I think it is also well-organized. I loved going to their markets and seeing the stuff that they are selling. Not my usual fare, but I had fun looking. I was even persuaded by a classmate to buy one pretty jacket that looks really good on me. Fun!

I also enjoyed eating the octopus street food. Lining up for that was worth it. Visited the Church too, to say my prayers and give thanks to all the blessings my family and I receives all the time. Just super grateful always! =)

 where one can find Filipino food

 fresh fruits all the way!

 reminds me of the market we visited when we were in Japan a few years back
see actually how organized and clean is their wet market!

could not believe that these bean sprouts are huge!

 so who wants spicy?

futuristic bridge in the old downtown. exercising on the banks would have been fun

 bingsu at cafe benne is love!

 thank you, Lord!

 I could go back for more of this - grilled octopus

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