Wednesday, July 31, 2013

friends in malaysia

tonight, i got to see a friend of mine from my petrad class last year. it is a blessing that i got to see kuala lumpur for the first time, see petronas twin towers and now this! after almost a year, here's a chance to catch up and form a more lasting friendship :)

the first stop was at K's house for dinner. she prepared a spicy chicken meal which i like very much (i choose home cooked meals anytime). after this, we were supposed to go to another classmate of ours' house for supper but because it is still the month of Ramadan, their prayers lasted longer and it was already late. i guess we are going to see each other another day, before i leave for manila. it's just funny how i was confused when K used the words dinner and supper in the same sentence. isn't that the same, i said, but apparently, since they are fasting, it is two separate meals. dinner is just after sun down and supper after evening prayers. now, isn't that a cool lesson? though i should have expected it since my friends in mindanao also fast during Ramadan.

before taking me back home, K also brought me to kl's Ikea as she remembered how much i wanted to visit the Ikea in Stavanger. how sweet of her. this shop is bigger than the one in stavanger but still has a lot of things to see. if i could just easily take home some of the stuff i've seen, i would! i didn't see a fire blanket, though. that one i would like to buy :)

so happy to see my friend right now and hopefully, i get to see her and Sal before i go home. and maybe go up the twin towers as well? :)

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