Wednesday, October 31, 2018

just an observation

after almost twelve hours of travel, we finally reached LAX. my mother was kinda apprehensive while on queue for the immigration and customs check because the officers were so (not strict, because we can understand strict)... unfriendly? (not in the job description)... maybe the words i can think of right now are abrupt and unaccommodating. we can see people asking questions so they can answer the questions in the machine properly, but most of them would just bellow, "read!" to my mother who only traveled this first time, it can be pretty daunting. but the customs officer was nice and spoke in a mellow tone. i wish everyone would be like that. one can do work efficiently without screaming at other people (feels like one is making others feel worse). imagine having traveled for more than twelve hours and when you arrive at your destination, you get bellowed at. but then again, not part of their job description to be nice (but i think being human, one is expected to be kind and helpful).

written on 14/04/2019 to remember the date by

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