Friday, February 10, 2012

thanks on my birthday

Dearest Lord,

Thank you for the year that was - the promises fulfilled. This year I have seen and felt firsthand, your loving embrace, your faithfulness, your grace. Thank you, Lord, for providing me with everything I need and the things that I want, the things that really mattered. Thank you, Lord.

Thank you, Lord, for giving me the strength that enabled me to do what I set out to do this year.

Thank you, Lord, for my parents who have always been there, supporting me in all my endeavours, in all my dreams. Thank you, Lord, for keeping them safe and healthy.

Thank you, Lord, for my brother (and his family) and my sister. They are my best fan :)

Thank you, Lord, for all the my friends who made my day a special one - old and new. Thank you, Lord, for friends who took time to remember and wish me well on my birthday. Give them the same love that they have shown me. Bless them with all your grace. Thank you, Lord.

Thank you, Lord, for this new day, this new year.

Forgive me, Lord, for the things that I have not done that I should have. Please give me strength and courage to fulfill what you have sent me out to do. May my actions this coming year bring you glory.


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